Siege Wizard

PUZZLE GitHub YouTube

This project was made for GGJ 2022. And it was my first game jam experience. Theme was duality. We created a wizard who can time travel to before and after the invasion. That was our duality. Goal is to reach the door in correct time. There is a unique time changing mechanic in this game and it works like a charm.

Beside the time mechanic there is twe types of boxes to move in the game. The golden box is moved by hand so wizard has to be holding it. The time box is moved by magic and wizard has to be away from the box to move it. Sometimes player has to stay away sometimes stay close and this way game would easily feel different with each box use.

Before reaching to the door player has to find the key in the room. Key could be anywhere or anytime. While roaming through map player should be roaming through the time as well.