
Enfected Survival


Itch.io github

Enfected Survival is an endless wave based shooter game. With every wave passes game is getting harder and harder. Goal is to reach the highest wave count as you can while running away from or killing the zombies.

Every 5th wave there is a boss fight. Boss has a summoning ability to keep thing interested in fight. With this ability he can summon many zombies around player in every 15 seconds.

Game also has a weapon selector mechanic to make gameplay have more variety. In selector screen there is 5 types of weapons: Pistol, shoots powerfull bullets one at a time with 6 bullet capasity mag. Rifle, shoots three slightly weaker bullets with 30 capasity mag. Auto, shoots weak bullets till you run out of bullets in your 100 bullet mag. Crossbow, shoots a powerfull arrow nearly one-shot every enemy with 1 bullet mag. Mine, you can place them down in the map. If any enemy presses on it, it would create an explosion that damages the area. I learned a lot about Unity's ScriptableObjects thanks to this mechanic.